WG Tenure dengan dukungan GIZ FORCLIME mengadakan konsultasi lanjutan guna membahas draft SK Bupati terkait lembaga penyelesaian konflik lahan dan sumberdaya alam di kabupaten Kapuas Hulu. Konsultasi ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 4-6 Oktober 2016. Pihak yg ditemui yaitu Sekertaris Daerah Kab. Kapuas Hulu, Bappeda, Dinas Perkebunan dan kehutanan, KPH Kapuas Hulu dan BPMPD.
Koleksi foto dapat dilihat disini.[:en]
WG Tenure with the support of GIZ-FORCLIME hold advance consultation to discuss draft of District decree related to the institution of land and natural resources conflict resolution in Kapuas Hulu. This consultation was held on October 4 to 6, 2016. The stakeholder that we met including District Secretary of Kapuas Hulu, Bappeda, Plantation and Forestry Agency, Kapuas Hulu FMU and BPMPD.
A collection of photos can be seen here.